Be honest to your job.

If you don't find a great place to work, where your contribution is truly appreciated, what do you do? You switch? 🙇🏽‍♂️

No! 🙅🏼‍♀️

You start something of your own and treat your employees like you wish you were treated 😀.

There is no one more humble and down to earth in the Salesforce community than Abhinav. I have known him since many years and he is still the same 😊.

Not only is he a great human being, but also a great entrepreneur who introduced revolutionary things like 5-day working / week, paid holiday and revenue share for developers by starting his company They might seem normal to you, depending where you are in the world, but back in India, in a small city like Jaipur, these things were unheard of.

Listen to the episode and let us know in comments what do you think.

Here are the ways to connect to Abhinav:

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