Have a plan about what you wanna do

For my final inaugural episode, I interviewed Melissa Shepard from LizzardTech Consulting ( guess where the name comes from 😅 )

Though she is quite young into her entrepreneurial Salesforce journey, Melissa has been part of the eco-system for many years, first as a developer, then a consultant. She was working as a contractor before taking the plunge in 2016 and starting her own consulting shop.

In this episode, we discuss the challenges faced by new and upcoming SI partners in what seems to be, already an overcrowded market.

So how do you gain attention?

Well, lucky for female entrepreneurs, there is WBENC. It is the largest certifier of women-owned businesses in the U.S. and a leading advocate for women business owners and entrepreneurs.

Checkout the episode to hear from Melissa about her journey, what is WBENC, how it can help and what's it like to run a business. There are some other important nuggets as well. For example, having a plan about what your business is going to do and how you are going to do it. Don't just start a business for the heck of it.

My favourite is part of the episode is where we discuss how important it is to have a mindfulness practice or some other ritual (yoga / exercise) in order to ensure you don't lose your sanity in this always-on world 🧘‍♀️🧘🏼‍♂️.

Fun fact: She is also a certified Yoga Teacher and is probably doing a (morning) session at London's Calling, so don't forget to bring your Yoga pants. I am also doing a session titled Level up your Salesforce CLI with Gulp, where we (me and Sebastian) will show you, how to create your own sfdx plugins and more.

The London's Calling tickets are still on sale, so get them now if you haven't already.

Lastly, here is the book recommended by Melissa for budding entrepreneurs: The Law of Divine Compensation.

Here are the ways to connect to her:

Check out the other episodes 😃, please share and subscribe to the channel 📣.